

Neurofeedback Enables Better Brain Functioning

Neurofeedback, also known as “brain training” or “EEG biofeedback”, is about “feedback” from the brain and it helps train brain activity and improve cognitive performance. It works by  placing a few harmless sensors (readers)  on the scalp to measure and monitor brain activity intended to train someone to gain voluntary control over that brain function. Neurofeedback is a subset or a type of biofeedback. It’s a real procedure that involves brain training to improve mental performance or alleviate specific issues. The objective of a neurofeedback training session revolves around training the brain towards optimal function allowing individuals to self-regulate.

Conditions that can be improved by neurofeedback and biofeedback are: anxiety, depression, add/adhd, learning difficulties, PTSD, insomnia and other sleep disorders, hypertension, stroke, chronic pain, asthma and chronic fatigue syndrome.

How Does our Brain Work and Why is Neurofeedback so Effective?

Our brain is electrical and operates as one big neural network constantly sending signals and communicating with other areas of our brain and body. Brainwaves are produced by synchronized electrical pulses from  neurons communicating with each other. The speed of the electrical energy flowing through the brain is known as our processing speed or brainwaves. Brainwaves provide a great deal of information on how we are feeling and functioning. Brainwaves breakdown energy by speed and depending on your brains speed we can identify states of distractibility, focus, relaxation, stress, underlying moods and overall brain function.

At New Mentality, thanks to cutting edge technology and science-based tools and techniques we can now see, analyze and understand how your brain is performing and create training programs to improve its performance.


DELTA: SleepyDreaming. Too much: Brain injuries, learning problems, inability to think, severe ADHD. Too little: Inability to rejuvenate body, inability to revitalize the brain, poor sleep.
THETA: Drowsy Meditative. Too much: ADHD, depression, hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattentiveness. Too little: Anxiety, poor emotional awareness, stress.
ALPHA: Relaxed Reflective. Too much: Daydreaming, inability to focus, too relaxed. Too little: Anxiety, high stress, insomnia, OCD.
BETA: Alert Working. Too much: Adrenaline, anxiety, high arousal, inability to relax, Too little: ADHD, daydreaming, depression, poor cognition.
GAMMA: Peak Concentration and high levels of cognitive functioning. Too much: Anxiety, high arousal, stress. Too little: Poor memory, impaired mental processing and learning disabilities.





What Exactly Happens in a Neurofeedback Training Session

During a neurofeedback session, you sit comfortably in fornt of a computer for 20-30 mins that will monitor your brainwaves , with a few sensors placed on your scalp in front of a screen or monitor. EEG sensors that monitor/read your brainwaves are a core aspect of all New Mentality neurofeedback programs. Sensors are harmless and non-invasive and only read your brains electrical impulses called waves.

During the session you will be asked to watch a movie you like, play a game or listen to music.You will be asked to watch a movie you like, play a computer game or listen to music. The screen/monitor or the sounds/tones that you hear helps generate the feedback during the session.

Neurofeedback New Mentality

Science based tools with proven results

HARMLESS: Non-invasive, only reads  brain waves

EFFORTLESS: Watch a movie, music or play a game


The essence of Neurofeedback is the “FEEDBACK”

If your brainwaves are not firing at the desired speed you will receive negative feedback (the movie pauses, the game stops or music stops). This process is acting as a reward or conditioning system for your brain. With this type of immediate feedback your brain will learn when something is out of balance and it will also learn what it needs to do to get back on track. Good performance = Positive FEEDBACK (you can see the images or hear the sounds) | Poor performance = Negative FEEDBACK ( you can’t see the images or hear the sounds)

Throughout your training program we will be monitoring and tracking your progress after each session. Here you will learn more about your brain waves and you’ll have the opportunity to see a visual representation of where you’re starting but also each session along the way. This is a feedback process, so coming into each session prepared to provide feedback on “any” observations is key (big or small). Overtime you will notice changes to your results screens which should also begin to correlate with the changes you will notice in your daily life.


ADHD Patient Results. Significant Improvement in a 10 Session Period

Session #1

Session #10


Brain Function Analysis and the Training Plan for Mental Disorders.

At New Mentality we can monitor and measure your brain activity (by analyzing the brain waves). Brain analysis software like qEEG brain mapping helps identify the specific activities occurring in your brain. Brain mapping allows us to see what areas are over working, under working and working optimally and the areas that can benefit from the Neurofeedback training.

A qEEG brain map gives a visual representation on how your brain is functioning and gives you the ability to visually see your unique patterns of mental strengths and weaknesses categorized into executive processing, memory processing, visual, verbal processing and more. Then, the practitioners customize a training program to condition your brain to access a more efficient and optimal state.

Contact us today to start or to learn more about the New Mentality programs.

Or call to talk with a New Mentality staff 
704.799.1270 (office)


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New Mentality uses biofeedback techniques to control the body’s heart rate and breathing among other bodily functions that can impact an individual’s anxiety, mood and ability to handle stress.  Biofeedback is a simple process, in which you’re connected to sensors that helps the body focus on making subtle changes in your body, such as relaxing certain muscles, to achieve the results you want, such as reducing pain or anxiety as well as other physiological responses.

Through the training process of biofeedback you learn how to become more self-aware. Self-awareness improves your ability to reduce stress, improve sleep quality, reduce fatigue and restore clarity, focus and problem solving.

Biofeedback has physiological, mental and emotional benefits for people suffering from many health related conditions. Biofeedback gives you the power to use your thoughts to control your body.


Biofeedback Assessments and test measures:

1. Physiological stress test– this allows us to see the athlete’s natural response to stressful situations and his/her ability to return to normal states when the stressing condition has ended. This is huge in peak performance because athletes need to be able to recover quickly after a mistake or during stressful situations.

2. Reaction Time assessment and training

1.CPT (Continuous Performance Testing)- we can combine reaction time data with EEG and physiology (mind-body connection). This allows an in depth analysis of mind and body activity during sports reaction time training.

3. Biofeedback Training

a- EMG biofeedback- provides feedback on muscle tension. This type of biofeedback work well for people with anxiety, stress and/or chronic pain.

b- HRV biofeedback- trains people to change the variability and dominant rhythms of their heart activity.

c- Thermal biofeedback- this type of biofeedback uses a person’s temperature to assess the person’s physical state. A drop in hand temperature can be indicative of a person being stressed and tense. Training an individual to control their body temperature can be essential in peak performance training.

d- EEG biofeedback (neurofeedback)- is a form of biofeedback, that enables better brain functioning in the same way that appropriate physical exercise strengthens the body. Neurofeedback is the direct training of the brain, where one is able to monitor their own brain activity on a computer screen and then learn how to produce brainwave activity that promotes healthy brain function.

4. qEEG Brain Mapping– quantitative EEG gives our board certified provider an idea of how the athletes brain is performing. It allows us to see what areas can improve and benefit from neurofeedback training.

5. Coaching– this component of the program brings together the mind/body techniques learned through training. This teaches the athlete how to use and harness the new skills learned.






  • Individual Counseling: A collaborative effort between the client and the counselor. Our goal is to provide an open, supportive and confidential environment for you to address the issues that are concerning you.
  • Couples Counseling: Is a therapy that helps couples – married or not – understand and resolve conflicts and improve their relationship. Couples therapy provides the tools to communicate better, negotiate differences, solve problems and even provide strategies to argue in a healthier way.
  • Family Counseling: This is a type of psychotherapy that involves all members of a nuclear family or blended family. In some cases this therapy also includes extended family members. The goal of family therapy is to help family members improve communication, solve family problems and better understand and handle special family situations. These special situations include but are not limited to: death, serious physical or mental illness or child and adolescent issues. These situations are addressed to create a better functioning home environment.



Tracy is so very knowledgeable. Her services have helped our family out immeasurably. I would most definitely recommend them to anyone and everyone.

B.M | Google Review ★★★★★


Telehealth Counseling Services



Connect with our licensed clinicians at your convenience. Telehealth allows our clinicians to connect with you via the comfort of your home or anywhere that is most convenient for your session. We use a secure HIPAA compliant platform when providing these services so that you can ensure your privacy and confidential information are protected. All you need is access to the internet.


  • Individual Counseling: A collaborative effort between the client and the counselor. Our goal is to provide an open, supportive and confidential environment for you to address the issues that are concerning you.
  • Couples Counseling: This is a therapy that helps couples – married or not – understand and resolve conflicts and improve their relationship. Couples therapy provides the tools to communicate better, negotiate differences, solve problems and even provide strategies to argue in a healthier way.
  • Family Counseling: This is a type of psychotherapy that involves all members of a nuclear family or blended family. In some cases, this therapy also includes extended family members. The goal of family therapy is to help family members improve communication, solve family problems and better understand and handle special family situations. These special situations include but are not limited to death, serious physical or mental illness or child and adolescent issues. These situations are addressed to create a better functioning home environment.



Contact us today to start or to learn more about New Mentality Telehealth Counseling Services.

Or call to talk with a New Mentality staff 
704.799.1270 (office)


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qEEG Brain Mapping

What Is a Brainmap?

A qEEG brainmap gives a visual representation of how your brain is functioning and gives you the ability to visually see your unique patterns of mental strengths and weaknesses categorized into executive processing, memory processing, visual processing and more.

Think of a qEEG brain map as a mental fitness assessment for your brain. This is a non-invasive process, we simply read and analyze your brain’s electrical activity. The Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG) is a highly sensitive and reliable assessment tool used to evaluate brainwaves.  A qEEG brainmap gives us vital information to help identify areas of the brain that may be over-active or under-active. By identifying the areas with abnormal activity, we can predict what type of symptoms or challenges you may be experiencing. For example, if specific brain areas involved in focus and attention are functioning poorly, you may have difficulty paying attention and with brain mapping, we will know exactly where to train to help you regulate more efficiently.

How Does our Brain Work and Why Brain Mapping Is An Essential Tool for Brain Function Analysis?

Our brain is electrical and operates as one big neural network constantly sending signals and communicating with other areas of our brain and body. Brainwaves are produced by synchronized electrical pulses from neurons communicating with each other. The speed of the electrical energy flowing through the brain is known as our processing speed or brainwaves. Brainwaves provide a great deal of information on how we are feeling and how our brain is functioning. Brainwaves breakdown energy by speed and depending on your brain’s speed we can identify states of distractibility, focus, relaxation, stress, underlying moods, and overall brain function.

At New Mentality, thanks to cutting edge technology and science-based tools and techniques we can now see, analyze and understand how your brain is performing and create training programs to improve its functioning.

DELTA: SleepyDreaming. Too much: Brain injuries, learning problems, inability to think, severe ADHD. Too little: Inability to rejuvenate the body, inability to revitalize the brain, poor sleep.
THETA: Drowsy Meditative. Too much: ADHD, depression, hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattentiveness. Too little: Anxiety, poor emotional awareness, stress.
ALPHA: Relaxed Reflective. Too much: Daydreaming, inability to focus, too relaxed. Too little: Anxiety, high stress, insomnia, OCD.
BETA: Alert Working. Too much: Adrenaline, anxiety, high arousal, inability to relax, Too little: ADHD, daydreaming, depression, poor cognition.
GAMMA: Alert Working. Too much: Anxiety, high arousal, stress. Too little: ADHD, depression, learning disabilities.

qEEG Brain Mapping is a diagnostic tool that helps our board-certified neurotherapist understand brain function, the qEEG collects raw data of the brain. Also referred to as a brain map, it provides insight regarding different regions of the brain that are over-active as well as under-active brain activity. Universally, an over-active region of the brain can be identified in red/orange and under-active brain activity can be identified in blue/green.

What Happens During My qEEG Brainmap Assessment?

Getting your brain mapped is simple, painless and a quick process. During your initial assessment, we will place an EEG sensor cap on your head, similar to a swimmer’s cap. We will place a little gel in the cap so that we can begin the recording process. We will then take you through a series of simple mental exercises while your brain activity is being recorded. After the recording is complete, we will meet with you to go over your results.


DETAILED: Extensive information about your brain’s function

HARMLESS: QEEG Brain mapping has “ZERO” side effects

USEFUL: Valuable and helpful information for mental health patients



The Brainmap Results

Once your brain mapping assessment is complete, we will get a visual representation of your brainwaves and your mental performance and you will have more insight into the overall functioning of your brain. New Mentality brain mapping provides information about cognitive functioning, memory, mood and motivation, focus and attention, processing abilities, learning abilities, stress and anxiety and more. This information will allow you to learn how your is brain functioning, and where and how much you need to improve. It also helps us to create a customized training program to improve your brain performance.





What is the Benefit of Understanding How Your Brain is Functioning?

Think about your Brainmap as a baseline assessment of your mental function. It is a measure of how your brain is functioning and most people find comfort and validation in getting a measure on those expectations and feel relief knowing that it can be shifted and improved through Neurofeedback and other techniques at Mental Edge Fitnesss Solution, Inc.




What Happens After I Have my Brain Mapped?

After we have completed the brain mapping process, from there we create a customized Neurofeedback training program if you need it, that boosts the areas of your brain that has too little or too much activity, and areas that are not coordinating at optimal performance.

Neurofeedback, also known as brain training or EEG biofeedback, is about “feedback” from the brain and it helps train brain activity and improve cognitive performance. The objective of a Neurofeedback training session revolves around training the brain towards optimal function allowing individuals to self-regulate.

After several assessments, we will remap the brain to see your brain function improvement with visual and detailed information.




Contact us today to start or to learn more about the New Mentality programs.

Or call to talk with a New Mentality staff 
704.799.1270 (office)




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Neurofeedback Home Training

New Mentality Home Neurofeedback Program


New Mentality is a leading Neurofeedback provider that has helped people from all over improve their focus, mood, memory, sleep, and stress. New Mentality is now offering its cutting edge programs to you and your family, at home.

Through the New Mentality Home Neurofeedback training program, you and your family can conveniently strengthen and improve your brain performance on your own schedule. 


NO Side Effects – 15-30 Minutes Session – Therapist-Guided

New Mentality Neurofeedback at home


How It Works

  • We start with a qEEG brain mapping assessment to get a better understanding of your brain’s performance. Once we analyze and review your information, we create a customized training New Mentality Home neurofeedback training program. 
  • We then set you up with access to our online training platform where you will get training and support for your brain training.
  • Depending on your program, you will have weekly or monthly check-ins with a certified New Mentality staff member to ensure you are on target to achieving your goals.


Benefits of New Mentality Home Training

As schedules get busier and the need for brain training is increasing, being able to train as often and as conveniently as possible with the guidance of trained professionals can create bigger improvements in a shorter amount of time. Consistency and repetition are key factors in your brain learning and improving throughout the neurofeedback process.

Neurofeedback is a safe, non-invasive process. Set-up is quick and easy for the entire family. 


  • Convenience: train as much and as often as you want, when it’s most convenient for you
  • Family training: everyone in the house can use the equipment with their own individualized programs 
  • Affordable: most affordable price per session

Who is a candidate for New Mentality Home Neurofeedback training?

Research shows that neurofeedback is beneficial for treating ADHD, anxiety, depression, sleep issues, brain injuries, and many other conditions. 

New Mentality Home Neurofeedback training is a great option for people who can not get into the office as much as they would like. 

Adding a home neurofeedback training program to an in-office clinical program as a complement to treatment is most beneficial and may be recommended by your provider depending on your needs and reasons for training. 



DOWNLOAD the Brochure


How to get started

Once signed up for your New Mentality Home training program, you will receive your training package*.
Neurofeedback headset + EEG sensor + Paste + Access to the app

Your training system will be programmed specifically for your needs based on your qEEG brain map. All programs are individualized and will need to be set-up and monitored by our team of specialists.  You will be able to select whether you would like to rent or buy the equipment. 


Contact us today to get information on:

  • Programs and Pricing 
  • New Mentality Home Neurofeedback training
  • Progress tracking 

Or call to talk with a New Mentality staff 
704.799.1270 (office)


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